Sports Toto 4611/17 ?> Sports Toto 4611/17 18/06/2017 Comments 0 Comment Sports Toto 2017-06-18Sun 星期天 4611/17 1ST 2ND 3RD 7400 5406 3947 Special 特别奖 2004 1393 8430 8529 5757 —- 4265 —- 4652 9568 8571 —- 6191 Consolation 安慰奖 4374 9473 3592 7615 8447 0715 5107 4174 5810 0461 4D Meaning First Prize 7400English : Tea,Water Colour,Water ColorChinese : 茶,水彩色,水彩色Second Prize 5406English : Feeding With Spoon,Catching Fish,Scrape The FishChinese : 用汤匙喂食,捕鱼,刮鱼Third Prize 3947English : Green Pea,Green Beans,Green BeansChinese : 青豆,青刀豆,青豆