Sports Toto 2217/03 ?> Sports Toto 2217/03 07/09/2003 Comments 0 Comment Sports Toto 2003-09-07Sun 星期天 2217/03 1ST 2ND 3RD 9597 8985 3002 Special 特别奖 5265 3035 6076 6572 7969 8257 5948 8888 3693 4838 —- —- —- Consolation 安慰奖 4950 6163 6492 7007 5762 8514 3200 1678 6789 1292 4D Meaning First Prize 9597English : Boat Capsized,Yong,ApproximatelyChinese : 舢舨翻覆,雍,约Second Prize 8985English : Wearing Daffodil,Travel To Finland,Go To FinlandChinese : 头插黄水仙花,前往芬兰,去芬兰Third Prize 3002English : Land,Truck,TruckChinese : 土地,卡车,货车