Singapore 4D 4018 ?> Singapore 4D 4018 19/10/2016 Comments 0 Comment Singapore 4D 2016-10-19Wed 星期三 4018 1ST 2ND 3RD 3504 8867 4408 Special 特别奖 9034 7218 4595 6652 1403 9641 5267 9587 8400 3839 —- —- —- Consolation 安慰奖 7115 7266 9527 5189 9834 6743 0268 6306 7322 3685 4D Meaning First Prize 3504English : Cactus (plant),Cactus,CactusChinese : 仙人掌,CACTUS,仙人掌Second Prize 8867English : Bait,Birthday Of Yue Ye,Birthday Of YueyeChinese : 鱼饵,生日岳晔,岳爷诞Third Prize 4408English : Executive Chair,Little BricksChinese : 执行人员椅子,砖仔