CashSweep 1151/02 ?> CashSweep 1151/02 20/04/2002 Comments 0 Comment CashSweep 2002-04-20Sat 星期六 1151/02 1ST 2ND 3RD 6408 5393 1665 Special 特别奖 0020 5173 0838 2447 5573 6805 9974 6100 3499 3940 —- —- —- Consolation 安慰奖 9940 3651 2823 6634 8344 4933 9744 1529 5489 3105 4D Meaning First Prize 6408English : Latin Dictionary,Tie UpChinese : 拉丁文字典,縻Second Prize 5393English : Appreciating The Moon,Watch The MoonChinese : 赏月,赏月Third Prize 1665English : Atomic Bomb,Film (long),Long FilmChinese : 原子弹,FILM ( LONG),长菲林