CashSweep 4725/22 ?> CashSweep 4725/22 14/12/2022 Comments 0 Comment CashSweep 2022-12-14Wed 星期三 4725/22 1ST 2ND 3RD 1550 9932 8317 Special 特别奖 6553 3596 7628 4981 3985 5514 5937 1683 8939 4474 —- —- —- Consolation 安慰奖 3832 3932 6409 2611 5576 1852 6877 0476 7674 1491 4D Meaning First Prize 1550English : Football / Soccer,Token Of Authority,SwordChinese : 足球,令箭,令箭Second Prize 9932English : Titan,Sneak Attack,Face-palenessChinese : 大力神,偷袭,面色苍白Third Prize 8317English : Torchlight,Beating The Odds,DivingChinese : 手电筒,以弱胜强,跳水