Sports Toto 4035/14 ?> Sports Toto 4035/14 25/03/2014 Comments 0 Comment Sports Toto 2014-03-25Tue 星期二 4035/14 1ST 2ND 3RD 1161 5991 4951 Special 特别奖 5190 7105 6671 9168 —- 2527 5836 2795 6135 —- 7333 —- 5946 Consolation 安慰奖 8343 0225 8693 6290 7778 3162 7417 6788 8105 0414 4D Meaning First Prize 1161English : Water Spray,Water Pump,SprinklerChinese : 喷水器,水泵,喷水器Second Prize 5991English : English Literature,Travel To France,Go To FranceChinese : 英文文学,前往法国,去法国Third Prize 4951English : Grindstone,GinsengChinese : 磨石,洋参