Damacai 1+3D 3578/11 ?> Damacai 1+3D 3578/11 24/12/2011 Strike4D.com Comments 0 Comment Damacai 1+3D 2011-12-24Sat 星期六 3578/11 1ST 2ND 3RD 2292 0061 8925 Special 特别奖 0550 0401 7527 6914 3266 7021 1073 8622 1754 1019 —- —- —- Consolation 安慰奖 4608 0816 2360 2360 4074 4958 3054 5555 2786 9513 4D Meaning First Prize 2292English : Bar Girl,Bastard,Illegitimate ChildChinese : 酒吧女郎,BASTARD,私生子Second Prize 0061English : Robot,Robot,RobotChinese : 机器人,机器人,机器人Third Prize 8925English : Vodka,Travel To Ceylon,Go To CeylonChinese : 伏特加酒,前往锡兰,去锡兰