Sports Toto 3445/10 ?> Sports Toto 3445/10 01/12/2010 Comments 0 Comment Sports Toto 2010-12-01Wed 星期三 3445/10 1ST 2ND 3RD 8990 9987 2980 Special 特别奖 1426 4447 5003 0842 8158 6627 5323 1037 8871 7039 —- —- —- Consolation 安慰奖 3920 6317 6949 5162 9340 2354 2446 7670 5377 1650 4D Meaning First Prize 8990English : Aston Villa Football Team,Travel To Poland,Go To PolandChinese : 阿斯顿维拉足球队,前往波兰,去波兰Second Prize 9987English : Railway Station,Gua,WidowedChinese : 火车站,,寡Third Prize 2980English : Compound Fine,ClogChinese : 传票罚款,屐